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As educators, we need to transform our schools. There are better tools available to teachers. And the new generation of teachers desperately want change. It's time to throw away paper textbooks, CDs, DVDs and photocopies. The Study It textbooks were created and designed so as teachers are not left piecing together lessons from disparate parts of a paper textbook and online print-outs from websites that so many others access. Our iBooks textbooks are 100% unique. You cannot find our content online, anywhere .
Got an Idea? Become a Study It Contributor.
We love new teaching ideas that we can include in our books. If you have an idea for an activity that we can include in the Study It books, please let us know. Teachers whose ideas are chosen can receive full credit for the idea, a link from our books to their blog or website and a free copy of the book.
Sharing your ideas is a a great way to contribute to the community of ESL teachers and promote yourself.