3/31/2015 1 Comment Algonquin College Goes MobileCongratulations Algonquin College for going Mobile. Algonquin's BYOD programs are an amazing example of M-Learning and the future of education.
1 Comment
3/31/2015 0 Comments M-Learning vs E-LearningE-Learning has given students the opportunity to learn at home - away from the traditional classroom. M-Learning has taken E-learning to another level by allowing students to learn ANYWHERE. Students can study while traveling, on vacation, during breaks or any other free time they may have. Students are growing up in a world where they can “learn anywhere, any time.”
Mobile devices are changing our world and how we gain knowledge. Mobile devices and the content on them have created new art forms, new gaming consoles, new employment opportunities, new languages, new business models and much, much more. As John Donahoe, eBay’s CEO stated during a Charlie Rose interview, “People are buying 8,000 cars a week on eBay’s mobile app”. Isn't it time to throw away rows upon rows of PCs and get students speaking to each other? The Study It textbook series is for ESL students, teachers and schools. It is designed to help teachers to use formal and informal teaching methodologies. For the past 6 months, the Study It team has been working on a new Pronunciation Book to help students with their English Pronunciation. It is nearing completion and soon will be available for the general public to download on their iPads.